Okay Mom, I know I'm just going to see these on your blog probably tomorrow... haha, but I figured I would post them because you were asking for 'em. :-)
I've been kinda busy lately, and I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed with everything. Pretty excited to have next week off... Kinda hoping to be able to do something fun and interesting... that doesn't involve work. Completely cleaned my car today... so glad, cause it really needed it.
So Yesterday, I was so excited, I got out of work almost on time and realized I had the whole rest of the day to do nothing. I went home, freshened up my face, changed my outfit and had great hopes for it to be an eventful day. Then, I made a very bad mistake. I sat down. UGH.
The sheer comfort of the couch made me realize that I hadn't sat down all morning, (seeing as I worked at 5am until 10:30am) and that it would only be for a little bit. Well a little turned into, checking email, facebook, blogging, touching up some pictures from the daddy-daughter dance, burning a disc of those said pictures, looking up limo services, checking facebook one more time) before I knew it it went from 11:30- to 1:30. AH. My how time flies when you are doing POINTLESS THINGS. ugh. So anyway. Before I had sat down, I made a huge grocery list of things I needed from misc. stores... Much like my mother does... and I had planned to accomplish all of these things before 2:15 because I had an appt to get a new CD player in my car so I can hook my ipod up to it. :-)
So, anyway. didn't purchase any groceries, but did go to target and bought some things that I needed. (tylenol, shelves, gold fish, jelly beans, earrings, toothpaste, etc) So as I crossed that off my list, I told myself that I would go grocery shopping while dust was at class. Then, like clockwork, I came home and sat down. As I sank down into the couch I realized the mistake that I had just made and tried to reverse it, but it was like quick-sand... pulling me in.
As I look forward to tomorrow, seeing as I gave up on anything today besides successfully cleaning my car, I'm just crossing my fingers that I don't have to work. So maybe, JUST MAYBE, I will finally make it to the grocery store and I will once again have food that doesn't come in either a box or in a can.
So as my new weekly tradition of doing lists, this week: List 4:
25 Things that bug the hell out of me
25. Having a bad hair day
24. Un-answered text messages.
23. Bad Actors.
22. Clogged Drain.
21. When food gets cold.
20. A stain on my shirt.
19. Migraines.
18. Being hungry, but not knowing what to eat.
17. A hole in my sock.
16. Barking Dogs.
15. Toothpaste on the mirror.
14. Being really Tired.
13. Hearing someone use a word incorrectly.
12. Dirty Dishes.
11. When my jeans aren't folded so the back pocket is visible.
10. "One-uppers"
9. Snot Rockets in the shower.
8. Musty towels.
7. When people ask you a question but don't listen to the answer.
6. Lying.
5. When people say "Valentimes, punkins, ain't, susposidly..."
4. Denial.
3. Stepping in a wet spot with your socks on.
2. Being treated like a child.
1. When people make assumptions about me, before actually knowing.
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